Ohlins Blackline STX

Installed bushings and theyre ready for Blackie.


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Looking to replace the Progressive shocks on my 2015 touring. How do you like these after riding? I have a Carpenter 240 kit on mine. Seems the Progressives are just too soft and feels like they bottom out. Especially when I have my daughter on the back.

They work great, plenty of adjustment on base model, they offer a piggyback system and rebound and length depending what you want, the base $700 shock works well with ohlins quality, call ohlins usa in North Carolina and they can set you up correctly. Great shock!
Kevin, Thanks for the feedback. I just spoke wit Ohlin USA. Seems I have three options. HD777, HD772 or HD044. Decisions, decisions......

Guess I have some research to do!
its mainly how aggressive are you riding, Blackie is not gonna be that close to edge ever so 777 works great, on touring i have higher level as i ride it to my max level. dont forget eyelet attachment grommet size for our rockets. Whichever model you choose its gonna be noticeable difference.
Kevin, Any idea where you have your spring position? For a Harley, they are suggesting 26mm. The shocks are taller than the Progressives that are coming off the bike. I don't know if the Progressives are shorter than stock....
Kevin, Any idea where you have your spring position? For a Harley, they are suggesting 26mm. The shocks are taller than the Progressives that are coming off the bike. I don't know if the Progressives are shorter than stock....
I have set firm, but there is a lot of adjustment you can dial in. Im probably closer to 30mm but i really go by static sag and feel, when set you should be able to lift bike 1/2 to 1 in and when youre on 3/4 to 1in sag will get it close, your weight will matter when setting up, they work great.


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