Limited edition on first year of basically a new bike? Come on folks think about the progression of the Rocket. Started out with a few problems that over time Truimph fixed.What makes you think this bike is any different? Only this bike you will need to deposit a arm and leg for. I have a 2010 twin cam Harley. When Harley first came out with the twin cam there where numerous design flaws but over the years They fixed the issues. So what am saying is manufactures come out with new designs and most of the time problems that did not appear in the engineering department show up rather quickly in the real world. Two dollars to a doughnut the same will happen with this bike. I am glad to see the Rocket continue but have a lot of reservation about buying one. Hopefully in time Truimph will come out with a Rocket that is made for the everyday motorcycle rider. What i mean by everyday is a bike that is practical to use as daily commuter and for the weekend trips. This ain't it. Looks mean and sharp but wherein the he#3 would you bag your cold weather gear and lunch? You getting my drift here? This special addition stuff is OK i guess but none of the bikes appear to be really designed for heavy use. More or less just for a Sunday afternoon ride. I guess that is OK but for some of us that look at riding not only for fun but a everyday event this just ain't going to work out well. Come on Truimph. We don't need a bike parked outside the bar while you sit there sipping your drink going "Yea man that's mine" Harley's already have that market.
You posted while i was typing Blackthor but same theme and idea. Just am a bit more long winded. Forgot something "Bet you the ECU is Locked"