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My roadster doesn’t scrape anything but the pegs on occasion.
They should have let me test the reliability. I always seem to bring out the weak spots.
Yeah, let BamBam play with it. Sorry brother, but if you were their tester, I don't think it would have made it to market. You could test tanks! I bet you could wear out an anvil with a rubber mallet. Can't wait to see ya brother
Yeah, let BamBam play with it. Sorry brother, but if you were their tester, I don't think it would have made it to market. You could test tanks! I bet you could wear out an anvil with a rubber mallet. Can't wait to see ya brother
I've always been rough on equipment. My dad always said "what that boy can't break he ****s on, and I ain't seen him **** on nothing yet".

Hold on a tick, the original owner was 6'4" and the rocket was too much? That doesn't compute. I'm 5'9" and about 205lbs and have no issues. I bough mine in a similar scenario, it only had 800 miles on it. The owner was an older guy, in his late 60s and he bought too much bike.

Simple . . .
"A man's gotta know his limitations!"
This has nothing to do with size!

This is fact. I am 5' 8" and about 195lbs on a good day. The guy I bought it from was about 35 years old. about 11 years younger than me when I bought it.