"Whomever is in charge?" This is not the current administration. I will assign assignments. Josey, your in charge of the Sat. eve. meal. Watcher, your in charge of mechanical issues, (now you have to come.) R3Tex, your in charge of security, (as we all are.) Nurse Ratchet ... you've got entertainment fer sure. Sweetennesseebabe, your expertise is in morning coffee. Rainman, do you think we need to erect a Battle Flag? I will look in to the tent issue. Slidderhd, how bout a short Sunday service? Everyone is in charge of safe rides and good times.
I have been in touch with Rob today and got the details. He can get a 20X30 tent. It holds 6 picnic tables, and 30-40 peeps. It can be there Thursday thru Monday. $350 flat! If all would pop $10, any left over money could go to ??? This sounds good and from what I heard from those who replied, it seems a smart choice. If there are good reasons NOT to get a tent, post it. Otherwise I will call Rob and order the tent tomorrow. (edit for grammer,)