OBD2 plug on bike only has 3 pins?

No bias there, eh @rocketjohn ? My windows laptop, with updates enabled, works just fine for me, and has connected nicely to several Rocket ECUs.
Well that's expensive, but WINE is available for Linux and it's cheap to build a Linux box. So that should be the recommended way.
Cable drivers may be an issue - sadly. Wine does NOT fix USB drivers.
I simply have an old netbook dualbooted. Win7Starter - network cards disabled. Runs TuneECU and NOTHING ELSE. Everything else I have runs some form of Mr Torvalds gift.
So the next thing -- if you haven't already done it -- the cable is critical because the cable part of it is not what is important. The ECUs on our bikes have a protocol that was not driven by the consumer computer industry, and as such, needs interpretation, and at the machine/chip level this is complicated, so the most efficient and reliable way (speed is an issue as well) is to have a dedicated chip do the translation between the ECU communication channel and the USB interface. The LonElec (London Electric) people took the translation chip and embedded it in their connector. TuneECU looks for that chip -- NOT/NOT your ECU. So if you don't have the LonElec cable, that is your next step, then you will find you connect -- and still, the Android version will allow you to "see" your ECU, but not do anything with it.

I've read different places that a VAG OBD cable works fine, as do many different cables(Quick Guide), I've borrowed one from a friend, and that doesn't work.
So I took apart my own, to see what's underneath.
Ground, +12V and K-line is connected as they should be and I guess that's all it need, but still no luck.

So I DL another OBD tool and that gets connection to the bike, unfortunately it's made for cars, so nothing gained except now I know it works with my pc, just not with TuneEcu :(

Tired now, going to bed and will try again tomorrow.

Thanks for all the inputs.
I've read different places that a VAG OBD cable works fine, as do many different cables(Quick Guide), I've borrowed one from a friend, and that doesn't work..

I have a VAG cable. What matters is the CHIP-SET used to convert PC "speak" to OBD "speak". My cable has an FTDI chip so I needed the FTDI drivers. This from the FTDI web. Also I had to try various FTDI drivers before finding the one that worked best with the PC chipset. I use quite an old one as the newer ones crashed my Windows. A 32bit PC needs a 32bit specific driver OFTEN. Newer PC's (esp Win8-10) are almost certainly 64bit (you cannot get Win10 as 32). XP and early Vista/7 machines are highly likely to be 32 bit as the 64 bit versions of the O/S were often a bit flaky with certain BIOS's (I have one at work - Win7-Profesional 64 - so I know). In the middle there is a pool where you simply have to look to know for certain.

If you have the ability to pick and choose ( :whitstling: ahem!) - Win7-Starter(32bit only) is ROCK SOLID. Install it - isolate it from the world and it will happily manage TuneECU and Power commander etc.

For those accustomed to Virtualbox etc - I have not tried to generate a virtual Win machine - I was told to expect driver issues. I have seen this with other non mainstream USB devices so simply did not try. Plus the PC I use does not have a fully virtualising capable chipset. But heh it was free. But if you succeed - please post.

FTDI = Future Technology Devices International
The computers themselves can be a challenge too -- the laptop now assigned to be the TuneECU host, is a Toshiba Satellite series, and it has three USB ports, one of which will NOT support TuneECU connection, and the other two will.