Now it's gushing oil

That all makes perfect sense.
Thought you'd come on here seeking help. My mistake, sorry.
Knock yourself out bro.
No seriously mate im trying to minimise the amount of damage im known to cause ,by under tightening the bolts I just dont fully trust the accuracy of the Torque Wrench i bought and i definitely dont trust my overactive usage of muscle power to get the job done .
I was quite suprised how much 10nm is with the torque wrench , i wasnt game to take them up to 10 so i did them all up to 7.5 , will retighten after ive put another 1000 klm on her.
How much or how little? Firm with a short socket driver will be pretty close.
Wrecka experience is that the time will come when your bike will need work you (and I and most of the others) are not capable of carrying out. Were it me I'd be sussing out ways to get my bike to repairer you are confident in. Like I said Brissy has two specific bike carriers and with a bit of a shove sure Triumph would cover any transport costs .
Um but its fixed...........
Fair enough.
Outside of the initial frustration felt during the learning process here ( 2 failed attempts ) I did get a good buzz/feeling yesterday after my test ride when a realised not only had I saved some coin by doing it myself but I had actually learnt/accomplished somthing , failure for me would of been to give in and take it to a shop without trying to do it myself

Was only trying to share my experiences mate.... and failure to me would be trying to do a job I knew I was unskilled to undertake and f#cking something up good and proper.
Was only trying to share my experiences mate.... and failure to me would be trying to do a job I knew I was unskilled to undertake and f#cking something up good and proper.

Me thinks we have some old bull - young bull at work here.
Reactions: Jag
Me thinks we have some old bull - young bull at work here.
Not at all i totally understand the point TC is making , im not a tight ass and if i had the spare coin id prefer to have the bike in the shop for all maintinence