Now I'm a Texas R3owner


.040 Over
Apr 6, 2011
League City, Texas
I've been on the forum for a couple of weeks, mostly whining about the lack of matte black R3Rs in Texas. Now that I'm an owner (got the black:)), I thought I might introduce myself.
I am 53, live in League City (south of Houston), Texas with my fair princess and three Brittany dogs.
I've been riding nine years, all on a pearl orange vtx (I can't look at her in the headlight right now, being parked next to the Rocket).
I picked up my R3R this morning, drove around in the countryside by the dealer, practiced fast stops and maneuvering; then brought her home.
Tried to take it easy...failed miserably. As I rode I thought "this can't be legal", checked the speedometer, and it wasn't. It's amazing that you don't feel how fast you're going, until you notice how quickly those other vehicles on the road become dots in the mirror.
Got the first hundred miles in.
Going to go check on her. It's been ten minutes.
Welcome from Cypress Tx. and enjoy the new R3. Watch the speedo.
Good for you, so sorry you guys can only get the monochromatic versions. Two tone with pin stripes is where its at. Yes I ended a sentence in a preposition, learned that one in Ohio :rolleyes:.
To bad black is the slow one red is the fast one but almost equal grin factor

lol Thanks Mark

Good for you, so sorry you guys can only get the monochromatic versions. Two tone with pin stripes is where its at. Yes I ended a sentence in a preposition, learned that one in Ohio :rolleyes:.

For the roadster, they only paint matte black at the factory.
They test them against each other. The winners shine with glory and become Phantom Black. Some do okay and stay matte black.
Others turn red with embarrassment, and some blue with envy. These two they won't even try to sell in the states.
Welcome from Dry Ridge Ky

Welcome to the R3 world. I've been in it for 500 miles now. Mine lost that fast factor, mostly due to Franklin County Sheriffs Department installing a $183.00 governor. Yea these things WILL get you a speeding ticket. Please be careful and enjoy the ride.