Not working correctly


Living Legend
Mar 19, 2006
2013 R3R
Keen to get TuneECU working correctly . Worked out that i had to run the software that came with the cable , port 3 seemed ok to use , then run TuneECU which connected ( finally ).
Following are two screen shots , looks to me like the cylinders are out of sync or something and for some reason im unable to run any tests ? Also opened the map screen and it says map not loaded !!!!
Would appreciate some help with this please
Can anyone at least please explain to me how to use TuneECU to sync these throttle bodies ?
I had to download the newest drivers for the cable from the tune ecu site. then disconnect from the internet. Uninstall the drivers for the cable that the internet downloaded by itself and install the ones that I got from the tune ecu website. That solved my issues hope it helps you.
Not all cables work, and some cables can work a little but not entirely. The cable isn't so much a cable as it is a computer in itself that translates between the bike and the PC. I wouldn't make any changes to anything whatsoever in your shoes until I got TuneECU to load properly and show proper data, or else you can do all kinds of interesting things.

Where did you get the cable, and does it have the required FTDi chipset? Did you download the latest FTDi drivers and install those on the PC?
Be patient Wrecka...the guy's will be along shortly, I'm sure they will do all they can to help, their a great bunch

Just as I posted crOFT stepped up

Yeah mate got the latest drivers and all they did was extract to a folder , theres no executable there to do anything with them , cable has ftdi chipset , TuneECU web site is very vague on what to do with the drivers etc ..........
thanks for replying , realize now that the intake vacums are mechanically set and not through the ecu and by the sounds of it a massive job to do due to the air intake plumbing , seems like every minor maintinece or mod on the rocket is a major drama , should of looked closer at the Thunderbird..........
seems like every minor maintinece or mod on the rocket is a major drama , should of looked closer at the Thunderbird..........

It's not mate. In fact a lot of things are about as simple as it gets. The intake plumbing, I agree, is a nightmare. Just get rid of it and a lot of jobs are suddenly easier. T'birds aren't without their "issues" either. Hang in there.
Sorry been in bed with a nasty Wog last two days.
Wrecka send me your mob number and I will explain in more detail tomorrow when I get home from work, it would take to long to explain typing.
For the time being thou yes the t/bodies are out of sync and you have to select "read map" or open a map you have stored in your computer, when you say connected you mean you have green light bottom right corner? if answer is yes then that is a good sign
Yeah mate green light is on , i realize now the test cant be done with the bike running " DOH" , after 1/2 doz cans of Bundy last night seems things have become a bit clearer , want to say thanks to everyone who replied.

Now about these out of sync throttle bodies , are they in range at those setting or will continuing to ride kike that cause damage , bikes not do for another service for 4000 more klms and i was hoping to do that myself , i have synced carbs on the VMAX 1200's ive owned before with vacum guages , keen to try on my R3R if i can safely get to the screws , best be buying a workshop manual 1st i guess