Not motorcycle related

Friday the 13th? I'm suppose to drive down to Ripon today (100 miles south of me) around 4 PM to watch my grandson play basketball during rush hour traffic driving through Sacramento (the land of no insurance) and Stockton (the land of drive by shootings) in stormy weather with high winds once again on Friday the 13th! What could go wrong. 😨 :thumbsup:
Apparently it depends on how heat is generated. If a heat pump doesn't run down battery but if resistance can really reduce range

Think of it as a money saving strategy….how many birthday,Xmas, wedding,anniversary gifts do you NOT have to purchase?…..😁
That is one good way to look at it!!
Friday the 13th? I'm suppose to drive down to Ripon today (100 miles south of me) around 4 PM to watch my grandson play basketball during rush hour traffic driving through Sacramento (the land of no insurance) and Stockton (the land of drive by shootings) in stormy weather with high winds once again on Friday the 13th! What could go wrong. 😨 :thumbsup:
Have fun
Nothing ever goes wrong on Friday the 13th 🤣😱🤣