North Georgia in say...Octoberish?

Great time. Got in Sunday at dark, took the long way home. Scott and Paul just left our place about 10:00 am. this morning. Thanks to "ALL"! The food was killer. The hospitality excellent, and the friendships................never ending. Until next time........Cya
Rolled into the 'berg around 5:30pm. Rob produced a can of starter fluid and the beastie roared to life.

Great seeing old faces and meeting some new. Until next time...

Good to meet you too 'no name James':p.

The other James's @cardinal93 wife Mo was standing next to me when the starting fluid got broken out and she asked what's that. Explained that it was highly flammable- nearly explosive spray. What's it going to do asks she? "Well, it will either start the engine, nothing or blow all 3 air filters off of the bike" "Really?????" "Could happen, I do this stuff for a living and you see where I am standing says I". Next thing I know Mo is standing behind me peaking around my elbow. :roll::roll::roll: Reckon I looked like a pretty good blast shield to her.
Made her back at 2:30 today. Great times as usual for Rocket events. It was a nice ride out of town up the tail of the dragon towards Knoxville. Thanks a buch to all and to Ken aka @TheKid and his lovely wife for putting Paul and I up on the trip back. Also Thanks to @Tripps for delaying his loading of the bike while we sorted out a coolant hose problem. Sorry we delayed you a bit in your departure.

Great times can not wait for the next one.