North Georgia in say...Octoberish?

I will be at Barbers from Thursday thru Sunday then heading north to my pals Mums place near the snake spend a few days riding around then over to MV, My first year at Barbers vintage I paid the extra to get into Ace Corner never again was not worth it but that was three years ago.
My plans to visit Barber's have been scuppered as all my mates have pulled out. I still hope to get to Maggie Valley though. Weather permitting as it is getting late in the season and might be too cold to ride down. If I can make it Scott might have to squeeze over and put up with my snoring :D
My plans to visit Barber's have been scuppered as all my mates have pulled out. I still hope to get to Maggie Valley though. Weather permitting as it is getting late in the season and might be too cold to ride down. If I can make it Scott might have to squeeze over and put up with my snoring :D
Weather heck a that Toyota should be able to handle it :D
So who all are going to be at Maggie??

Ya Ive been gone a few months back lurking a little now:ninja:
So who all are going to be at Maggie??

Ya Ive been gone a few months back lurking a little now:ninja:
Name-----Number of bikes -----Number in party
Steel------------- 1---------------------- 2
Preston----------1-------------------1 or 2
Paul-------------1------------------------ 2
Stb & rainman,---2-------------------------2

Ski & Bags---------------2-------------------2
R3Tex & Nurse Ratchet-----2-----------------2
Rocket Scientist & TOW------1-----------------2
tdragger-----------1 or 2--------------------1 or 2