North Georgia in say...Octoberish?

I will be at Barbers from Thursday thru Sunday then heading north to my pals Mums place near the snake spend a few days riding around then over to MV, My first year at Barbers vintage I paid the extra to get into Ace Corner never again was not worth it but that was three years ago.
Been to the Museum but not a race. Looking forward to it.
My plans to visit Barber's have been scuppered as all my mates have pulled out. I still hope to get to Maggie Valley though. Weather permitting as it is getting late in the season and might be too cold to ride down. If I can make it Scott might have to squeeze over and put up with my snoring
Weather heck a that Toyota should be able to handle it
So who all are going to be at Maggie??

Ya Ive been gone a few months back lurking a little now
So who all are going to be at Maggie??

Ya Ive been gone a few months back lurking a little now
Name-----Number of bikes -----Number in party
Steel------------- 1---------------------- 2
Preston----------1-------------------1 or 2
Paul-------------1------------------------ 2
Stb & rainman,---2-------------------------2

Ski & Bags---------------2-------------------2
R3Tex & Nurse Ratchet-----2-----------------2
Rocket Scientist & TOW------1-----------------2
tdragger-----------1 or 2--------------------1 or 2