No start issue

Try charging your battery before. you start taking things apart . If battery full charge & problem persist check and clean all contacts from battery to starter & ground . ( Remove & make sure there is metal to metal contact on all connections ) Also make sure all connectors on relays are good and solid . ( I've had some move down because of gravity and vibration , I just pushed them back in their proper place & this worked for me once ) I've not had a problem since . I do know that I'm installing a new battery for the coming season .. This should keep you busy for an hr or so .
There might be a cheaper lithium batt out here. Frazier recommended this one and he's usually on target.

Not a good idea but it is not necessary if the bike is in neutral then it does not matter if the sidestand is on or off it will still start.
If u twist them together then the motor will stop when u put it in gear.
Oh your right ..makes sense.. I was just twisting them during troubleshooting just to make it easier.. bike is on lift table and hard to reach clutch from right side....but I wasn't thinking about it stopping the motor when in gear.....thanks for heads up....I'm just gonna reattach the proper way....
I did put a new battery in I leave it on the maintainer overnight before I start was weird that when I installed a used ignition from did crank on 3 seperate tries then just stopped.....I didn't even move anything u think maybe that used ignition went bad.... or a relay?
Could be the switch- try wiggling the key and the wires leading to the switch. Too bad you didn't open up the switch before installing to have a look. My '11 Roadster would not start (intermittently), but would swing the gauges - I had to re-solder two wires. It's a notoriously bad design.
Used ignition?