No Spark

The wiring diagram I posted shows the igniition coils get power from the engine management relay, which also powers the cooling fan relay and the fuel pump relay. If you are getting power to the fuel pump you should have power to the coils. Have you verified lack of spark voltage with a timing light? (Old school is pull one spark plug and see if it sparks when you turn the motor over). Here is the service manual, information in Chapter 11 should help diagnose your problem:

I see two things unplugged on the left side. A black connector with a black and a purple wire and then one of those spring plug connectors with an NK (brown and Pink and a red and yellow wire) Don't know if they are supposed to be connected.

great pictures
picture #1 it is clear to me that someone has been messing with it
i think you have found the problem
i think you have the crank sensor connector and the tip over sensor connector
i am thinking the someone got these mixed up and hook it up to the wrong sensor
so if u disconnected the one that is connect and plugged it into the one that is close then the other will be long enough to reach the other so both can be connected.
might b smart to check the wire colors to confirm this.
the difference is the crank sensor makes its own voltage and the tip over switch has 5 volts coming from ecu and a ground
just though the crank is 2 wires and the fall detection sensor has 3 wires i guess you will have to tell me if they can interchange the connectors
but something is going on there.

if you don't have a crank sensor or a fall detection signal it will not fire the coils.
I would guess the fall detection sensor is likely. The ECU controls the firing from the coils so it's either the ECU is bad OR the inputs to the ECU are bad. The ECU is pretty robust so I would check the input sensors.
the reason i know so much about the no spark is because i fought this problem (in my spare time) for months.
changed ecu's changed crank sensors
bottom line when my guy checked the crank sensor for the fourth time he stuck the probes into the wires (crank sensor) on the ecu the bike started.
the terminals were not making good contact at the ecu
Based on the wiring diagram the crank sensor was and is in the right place. It is connected to a blue/pink and a blue/black. That seems right. The plug with the red/yellow and brown/pink was disconnected. The only thing I can find that has those two colors is the purge valve. I don't know where it is but I don't see anything to plug that connector in around it.
OK, well I have left the eco more or less alone. I can pull those connectors and make sure they are clean for sure and maybe taking them off and on will help. I will keep you all posted!
When you pulled your crank angle sensor did you clean it off before reinstalling it? Minor I know but an easy job. You want the best signal it can produce.
When you pulled your crank angle sensor did you clean it off before reinstalling it? Minor I know but an easy job. You want the best signal it can produce.
I did and it was clean. I have taken it out, shaped it with another I had and put it back. Every time I take it out though oil comes out. I think it is a rear main seal that must be leaking.
I have tried a different crank sensor, a different tip over sensor and gone through just about everything I can think of and that you good folks can think of. I still don't know where the purge valve is and I can't seem to find it, but at this point it could be just about anything.

What is most troubling at this point is that there seems to be a significant oil leak into the alternator cover because when I remove the crank sensor oil comes out every time.

The coils have power but they do not seem to be firing the plugs. I am at a loss and I think I will step away for the rest of the day. If I don't figure it out this weekend I will probably just part both bikes out. I thought about going ahead and taking the classic engine and putting it into the touring (which of course had spark before I poached parts off it it trying to get the classic going) as I planned but that is a lot of work for a motor that maybe no good.

If I do part them out I give you guys first crack at what you want. I think I may have spent too much of my life on sick Triumphs at this point. I have lots of old bikes I ride and enjoy and after this experience I think an old carb'd evo Harley might be the ticket. I thought BMW fuel injection/comupters were bad...