No Spark

OK, I swapped out relays to be sure, I think I must have messed up the ground before but at any rate. I still have 5v on the black/green wire on the fuel level sensor but I DO have 12v on the purple/white wire feeding fuel pump and I think the fuel pump seems to be running. I am going to try some more pinpoint tests but wanted to correct my earlier post about the voltage to the fuel pump- It is there.

You are a little off level sensor comes from ecu 5volt and grounds at ecu
fuel pump relay should b changed like u say.
have u checked the ohms on the fuel pump and the fuel level sensor ?
i am not hearing the fuel but then my ears are not that good, the secondary throttle actuator makes a lot of noise.
if u have a car/truck with an electric pump u can put a funnel in the tank and have someone turn the key on for comparison should sound very similar
how long has this bike been sitting?
may b possible the pump is froze up or gummed up or i can't hear
u never answered if this bike has an alarm on it.!! that could be the problem
have u checked #2 black ground to c if u have a good ground?

edit the fuel pump relay is controlled by ecu
OK, so I am dense, I think I know what folks are driving at I was testing that the sensor was getting power but not whether the sensor was working. So, on the fuel level sensor wires I am getting 5v on the green/black but only .01v on the black. I don't know what it should read but I am guessing like 3v? Anyone know?

I do not know if it has an alarm. That will be the next thing I investigate.

Bike has been sitting awhile but I have not spent too much time on fuel yet because it definitely does not have spark. Someone suggested that perhaps the ECM would not initiate ignition if the fuel level sensor was faulty, that is why I went down this path.

i was the one that said fix the problem codes just a good way of doing it (in my business automatic transmissions one code can cause a lot of problems)
when relays are energized you can feel them click so
the way i read the electrical diagram the fuel pump relay should click when u first turn on the ign. for two seconds then go off, now it does not make sense to me that u have 12 volts to the fuel pump when u check it . it should run for 2 seconds (have 12 volts) then go off then come back on while cranking 12 volts.
now i have a lot of hours on me today and i do make mistakes late in the evening.
check for alarm if it has alarm then replace it with original plug don't know what it is called but it is a small connector that loops two wires.
I do get 12v at the fuel pump for a couple seconds then it drops to zero. I am going to tackle the alarm now. I will have to read up a bit. I don't have any eco jumpers but I ordered some. I found that plug you were talking about but only in the UK. I will dig around on the forums to try to bypass it if it has one.
One other thing
At the bottom rear of the motor is the crank sensor you might pull that sensor and check for damage or debris with out crank sensor the coils will not fire
If you can post a pic of under the tank maybe i.can check for an alarm
The crank sensor is in the sump right? I need to drain the oil first I guess. It is definitely there but not tested.

I have no idea what the alarm looks like. I will start tracking wires I guess unless you can tell from the picture.


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Can not tell on the wiring
Just a small amount of oil will come out it is not in the main sump..