no power to clocks

Mike, I had this same problem last week, see my photo, I cut the harness tape and found a the connector on the purple wires which supplies the power from the fuse box to the clocks corroded and broken, cleaned, cut the wires then soldered in a joining wire, put some heat shrink on the joins and all 100% now. Hope this helps.
hi folks
just going back through some old posts on here and found I had never posted the outcome of this.
found that all circuits going through the ECU are switched on earth side of circuit, all earths were good, but what ever tells ECU to close the circuit to earth/ground was not getting through so no circuit from ECU was working,
replaced complete wiring loom and all was good,
have still yet to strip old loom to find were the fault was,
its added to the "to do list" which seems to get longer every day lol.
I hope this helps somebody that encounters similar problems.
cheers Ned