no power to clocks

Ned the numbers are marked on the plug if I remember correctly.
NED IF You are still working on it check voltage at that alarm connector. i don't know how yours is wired but mine will not sweep with kill switch off.
Ned the numbers are marked on the plug if I remember correctly.

They are, but incredibly small and difficult to read, even under a magnifier

Here is the key (use the 'space' as the primary identifier) - this is the male terminal plug side

Look for PM from me Ned - have some things you can try that I don't want to post publicly
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Did you manage to resolve the problem? Got the same issue
Did you manage to resolve the problem? Got the same issue
Try pulling your 30 amp fuse under the seat. If it is hard to pull out it has had a poor contact overheated and started to melt plastic, sometimes a wiggle will start. Can also be loose or show burn marks on contacts even if fuse intact so check, clean and maybe add a dab of solder if they are too loose in crappy stock fuse holder.