Next Rocket Ride in NC/TN/VA


"And this one is just right" ~ Goldilocks
Aug 13, 2017
Old Fort, NC 28762 USA
2020 3R
Seeing who all might want to meet up soon (even as early as this Sunday, or later) to ride somewhere in the NC/TN area. This would be for a day ride.

I still say The Snake (Hwy 421 between Boone and Bristol) is one of the finest stretches of blacktop in our area. Back of the Dragon in Virginia is mighty fine too (Hwy 16 Marion, top right of map). The Rattler (Hot Springs, NC) is another good choice. We did Devil's Triangle last weekend (near Oak Ridge, TN) and Aces and Eights, which is nearby, is also good.

Checking to see what everyone's, who might be interested, availability is and where to meet. My vote is The Snake, but I'm somewhat flexible if I can get away for more than one day. Anywhere but Tail of the Dragon, which as all of you in the area already know is overrated, overcrowded, full of yahoos and men in blue.

I'm interested in knowing more about all these rides for when we are in your area in June.
Could you point me to some available maps on line?
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I'm interested in knowing more about all these rided for when we are in your area in June.
Could you point me to some available maps on line?
There are some great maps of the area (and others) you can order here....
He just charges shipping. The maps are free. I'm not sure why he doesn't offer them online.

Or, you can get them free at any number of retailers who've paid to be listed on the maps once you get in the area. I'd go ahead and order one ahead of time so you can do some planning.
Gratitude, Amigo!
I have it ordered.
I reckon he makes some as I doubt shipping is all of $17.
A good deal at that rate!