Bienvenue, Quebecker.

We're taking up a collection to send you a remedial course en la langue Englais, OK? (a joke, good sir)

Profitez de la balade de notre nouveau frère!
Hello, i am french men. I have my roadster since juin 2017. i do 14 000km with the beast. I love it. Only drive road motorcycle since 3 years. I begin on harley softail deluxe 2007 for 1 month. Change the bike for harley road king 2014 for the rest of the summer.(28 000km done) At spring 2016, i bought Kawasaki ninja 1000 2015. I run this bike all summer only 9000 km on it. And juin 2017 buy the beast. nobody know this bike in my area. every body compliment my bike. i will keep that bike for long time. I read the rocket forum since 18 month and thanks you all for shared your passion.
salut quebecois .. et bienvenu sur le forum
Through some of that mercy my way, guys. About of foot of snow here today... so far!!:eek::laugh::banghead:!