OK.... you got my curiousity what the F**k are you talking about
Those lift brackets I had made.
The ones that fit under your bike in the holes the center stand could go in,
if anybody bought that expensive piece of crap.
They fit in the holes and hold your bike up off the pan when you jack it up.
They cost me $25.00 to have a set made.
$5.00 to mail em off in the post office box that's
"if it fits, it ships"..
another $1.00 to insure it or register it.
And here lately I've been drilling a hole in them
and putting a colored piece of rope on them to tie them together
so nobody forgets about them and rides off and looses one or both.
Believe it or not, it's happened more than once.
So since nylon colored rope is real inexpensive,
I tie them together with a couple of feet of it.
That way they can hang over the jack handle when not in use,
and the bright color will be seen if anyone forgets about them,
so they don't get lost.