I went to get new tyres fitted on the weekend.
Before I arrived the bloke said the rear is a pain, bad rim design with no well for the tyre bead to drop in to for fitting the tyre.
Anyway, on arrival there was more warning that the tyre may rip, and sure enough it did!
So back on went the old rear as there was no more in stock.
More are being ordered for me to get fitted.
My worry is, should there be a problem, maybe I should go somewhere else.
I have never hear of this being a problem before.
I declared never again after doing it the first time. Had issues with Dealers. My once reliable auto tire shop (with new people) installed my tires backwards, F & R, even after I showed him the arrows. Then wanted to charge me again to fix it. He fixed it, I didn't pay, I can't go there anymore. Lucky it wasn't the RIII. A guy at a little one room tire shack was unsuccessful at getting the RIII tire off but showed me how to do it. Cut the sidewalls between the bead and the tread all the way around the circumference of the tire. The single bead will tilt more and come off easily. You may suggest this to them or cut it before you take it to them.