But wouldn't you be able to add something like a lamda plug to fool the computer into thinking the cat is there and working, I think there's only one after the cat that would have to be changed, cause usually there's one before the cat and one after, the one before shouldn't change no?? Or do they charge the fuel air ratios too, I never changed the pipes before, and my R3T is an 08 and only has the one before and it just reads the O² for the ratio right? And why do I see some guys put a lamda sensor on the rocket, what exactly is a lambda sensor?? I guess I can Google that and find out
just thinking out loud trying to learn new tricks for this old dog shade tree mechanic, Jack of all trades master of none. Well I'm a professional stationary engineer, so I like to know what makes things tic
thanks turbo and if you don't want to waste your time teaching this old dog I'll understand, I see you a lot on here, hopefully it doesn't turn into political here and everything has to be politically correct like FactBook hahahaha, I took all my info off there after they started taking post's down, I wonder if you talk about religion on there if they would be that correct, fact checkers F yourself anybody have a chocolate and vanilla shake