New TuneECU user question

about scanners
u can buy scanners for $14 to $3000
the difference between them is the information they give for example
my $14 one reads and may/may not clear codes
my 100 reads codes and clears codes and has the standard data stream reads some abs codes
the tuneecu was free download works great with the correct dongal and android laptop, also paid $10 for download app(lomg time ago)
i also purchased the obdlink lx for around $60 which works good because it was designed to work on triumphs and has much more info about triumphs and it works with blue tooth so great to carry on bike it also works on my durango and other obd systems with normal data.
get connected with blue tooth is a pain in the a$$ i carry a how to do directions.
of coarse a $3000 scanner will do a lot more but not on a triumph.
After I saw the dealership charging $139 per hour I don't mind buying a few tools to service my bike. Lord knows they did little before it left the shop. I have a new quest for new codes it's throwing. Be happy you don't have one of these new ones.
I am, I see they have a lot of minor wrinkles to iron out, with the key fob, and tire beads leaking, rear abs system problem, I would get rid of all that stuff after the warranty is up and redesign it, no abs in the rear, I always liked full control, the key fob might take some thinking to take it out of the system cause I'm sure it's a circuit within the whole instrument cluster. I don't know if they have aftermarket rims yet for the new rocket's, but I bet they won't have the tread in the bead seal on the rim. Plus all the plastic on the new one's, looks cheap, the only plastic on mine really is the side covers, and one has the insert broken off and it's just wire tied on. Can't tell by looking at it till you take it off, been trying to find a cheap used one, I think a new one if I could get it, if it's not discontinued is about $300.
Yeah I don't know if you are on Facebook, the the socialist media , but tuneecu has a good group on there and they are all asking how to just reset the service light on the New one's, but yeah I'm just getting back into it last year at 60, so just enjoying the ride, I see triumph changed there oil suppliers from Mobil to Castrol recommended besides there's, I used Castrol GT in the rice burner I had, first bike, at 18 I went cheaper but I changed it every year with probably less than 5,000mil on it, wish these bike's had a center stand, makes working on them so much easier and quicker, changing the oil is just propping it up straight, but to change the back tire is impossible on the fly, I've had to patch my ****** rocket on the side of the road twice, but I don't think anything comes with a tube anymore, that's why I try to do everything myself, I had the new tire put on on a Saturday and to tube was put in folded over and when it heated up the next day, yeah pop, thank God I noticed it before I went around the turn coming up 2 up, the X on the back, she rode with cuz the rest of the day and got to the end of the run and heard all the horror stories of missing finger's and toe's and lives and such, she never got on the back again, it was great, I really shouldn't have gotten so mad at the service Guy I think he offered me a new tube, that was it, you know what I offered him man did we have it out, I called him every name in the book and added a few more and never went back there again, and that's where I bought the bike. Always been doing it myself sense than, except this one, I needed tires and didn't have the lift yet and with buying the lift and getting them balanced I thought it would cost close to the same, man was I wrong I kinda wanted them done quickly so!! They said $150 to balance and install and the tires where $550, and they wound up charging me $350 for the installation!! I looked at him a little shocked and told him he quoted me $150 on the phone, he said it took 2.5 hour's so it was more I guess he didn't know it was a touring but what does it take like 5 minutes tops to get the detachable bags off, and it was during COVID-19 so nobody had them in stock, they wanted $70 just to balance them if I bought them in!!!
I wound up later on getting a cheap lift for like $100, just like the floor jack model cause I had to take them off to polish the wheels, they were in bad shape, by the way Gords aluminum/metal polish works great, non acid, I have no clue what's in it, but if you follow the directions, I had to use 0000 steel wool, and 1000 and 3000 wet/dry sandpaper to really get them shining+ buffing, at least a good 6 hours in 2 day's. But I even used the gords on chrome tips and really weathered bumper and stuff, even earrings fast and easy and really brings out the shine. On chrome just let it soak for at least 2 minutes and buff it, put it on with the Brillo just wet it a little and rub softly just to coat. I think the later models have chrome rims Right??? And the glue from the last balancing weights use gum out carb cleaner and the Brillo ( 0000 steel wool ).
Well be 3 times careful and stay safe and enjoy the permanent smile on your face, and don't sweat the small stuff, they will figure it out eventually , or you will after the warranty is up.
PS I'm definitely doing my own tires next time, $900 to change 2 tire's was a real shocker, plus I don't want anyone rushing through something that can kill me. Plus I'm not a brain surgeon and making the Big buck's. But wish I could afford a brand new rocket, I started looking early last year and googled what's the biggest production motor for a motorcycle made and up popped the rocket and found a really good deal like 45,000 mil. But payed cash, and looking forward ever sense. Enjoy your forgiven, hey we all have a bad day, I had a really bad last 10 years with an X that fought me constantly and I proved her wrong most of the time, in the end she left and tried to come back 6 months later, called me up crying say she f**k*d up, and I said no s**t. She tried to come back, hahaha that door swings one way after that.
The problem in the world today is there's no respect for anybody else, in my day it was always Mr and Mrs and Sir and ma'am, and you respected authority, I guess it was after Vietnam there was no respect, that was disgraceful everything about it, from the start and the poor guys coming home to s**t, people do bad things and just keep going in and out of the system like it's a revolving door, things were handled a lot differently 50 year's ago, I didn't dare say the teacher did anything, cause I knew what would happen, I d*m sure better have good proof or it would have been taken care of at home. Now it's like give them freedom and let society teach them. It's nuts that's why I don't drink anymore, I may lose control and do something I might regret the next day.
But GL. And Good Day!!!
Yes sir. You too. I don't fakebook so that is out. I guess it's time to get a tire machine and do that too. I hate all that plastic crap on the new one. I bet it's all made in china too. They can get the look but the quality and longevity are not there. I'll keep trying to fix it. Thanks for the help.
Yeah but in fakebook it's really up to date I guess the moderator Tom TomTom is working with Alain from TuneECU and your answer to your question was all over the site, repeatedly, guess the dates have to match exactly, don't know if I'm going to have to update, but it looks like I will have to reregister, I hate messing with a good thing.
But yeah your alright and the problems except for the break issue which I think they have figured out, aren't a major issue right, did you ever get the key fob out of range whatever it says, problem?? Does it keep it from restarting?? That could be a Big bummer . Well nice shooting the breeze with you, I don't take the small BS too seriously anymore, at 60 life is too short and why sweat the small stuff, if you can't fix it move on, and if it ain't broke don't fix it!!! I have no info on the FakeBook just my name, took everything off 2020 when it was totally apparent it wasn't a social network, definitely socialism. They even monitor the FB messenger, it's BS
I got the key fob alarms initially but not after tightening up my battery terminals. They were barely hand tight from the stealership and already corroded and arcing signs on a brand new $20K scoot. After cleaning up that mess and tightening them with di-electric grease I have not had the key fob out of range again. I am getting these funky IMU alarms every time I ride so something is still rattling around.
Could be sensors controlling it, wheel speed sensors communication with the speed sensor or something like that, maybe check the terminal's on them all the way threw the path and see if they are corroded, maybe put an ohmmeter from one end of path (wire ) to the other and see if you have a high resistance, or just something debris or dirt on the sensor itself.
I just bought a used Silverado and was going down the highway and all the warning lights came on and stayed on and hooked the scanner up to it and found the one wheel speed sensor throwing the code, took it in and they found a broken wire I guess and replaced it. I bought a 5 year warranty $4000, but I would think about an extended warranty if I were you.
Could just be an out of range sensor too intermittently, that would be a pain to find, unless you do a scan while it's happening, even then may just say a fault and not tell you exactly where. Be careful I disconnected my instrument panel and forgot to disconnect the battery first and fried the speed sensor on the motor, tg that was it and not the ECU and other sensors. Some of my post's show a good way to clean connectors with vinegar and salt and then neutralize with baking soda and water. But good luck and good day
I took off the seat and secured all the wire looms and tightened up all of the connectors I could find. Two rides and not a single alarm. I'll ride it a bit more aggressively next time to see if anything shows up. I hate chasing electrical gremlins but it is rewarding when you find one.
Yeah if you do chase it, you will need a diagram. But I hope you found it and don't, but they are nice to have, maybe someone has one here PDF, I downloaded 1 from IDK here but I don't think he has one for the 2020, that's another reason I don't like all the new fangled modes and automatic control's like the abs and riding mode's, something else to go wrong, I liked the 70's and older, simple. I've purposely never gotten 4x4 on my trucks, use more gas and something else to wear out and break down, my wife had it on an Envoy GMC and it sounded like it was grinding the u-joints when turned all the way and in 4x4, and I think I only put it in 4x4 once. It would be nice sometimes in deep snow, but it doesn't snow very deep anymore and if you know how to drive in the snow you don't need it, I rode my first bike for 3 year's straight till my insurance wend down after my only dwi @18, 1 wheel drive talk about cold, I used to hang on to the pipes with subzero leather gloves and burn the gloves and my fingers still froze, and back then I never heard about heated grips and seat, I bought the bike new and it was cheaper than insurance for 1 year on a car, $3,000 80 kz 1000. I've never had ABS on a bike, does it pulse like a car??? I think that would be a little scary. And will it lock up with enough pressure applied??
Good day, good luck, hopefully it continues to work good.
I don't want to know how the abs acts. I hate abs on anything. The abs motor is out on my f150 right now. $600 if I want to pay piper, so I'll just ignore the light since it's just my farm truck never leaves the farm. I've replaced wheel sensors on it before now the whole modulator controller is bad. I unplugged it. If this thing doesn't behave, I'll remove that abs modulator and return lines and have regular brakes on it. I don't really care for the linking deal anyway. My brain knows which brake I want to use. Now that it's got over a thousand miles on her I'm gonna click up the rpm's to see what it has. I don't think it's been over 5k yet. Every time I roll into the throttle it jumps over 100 mph.
My buddy just bought a 700 hp supercharged mustang gt 50 and it through a cat code right away, I told him he probably has to put some kinda plug to trick the computer to think there's a cat there, cause everything is custom it's an 15, with 66,000 on it and he bought it at CarMax so has no idea who built the thing or when, has no idea what kinda maintenance is going to have to be done on the thing or how often. This is going to be interesting .
Hey I just realized your from the state where everything is bigger my town is mostly farms, but I grew up a few town's away and it's all City folk's now, and no more farm's, it was sad when I was growing up to see it happening, my father had a feed and seed company and Agway came and put him out of business, big bummer, God bless America, she's gonna need it. GL Like the photos too, I don't like to post too much personal information online these days well with the socialist network's and party and all, good luck
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