New Touring Roadster


Living Legend
Feb 19, 2007
Banner, WA
2009 Rocket Touring
Just kidding.

I installed the solo seat that I bought from Tripp and pulled the windscreen. During breakfast in Florida with Scot in Exile, Dave mentioned how he did not like windscreens and preferred wind in the chest feeling.

After my friend and I mounted the seat I pulled the windscreen and we both thought it looked very cool. I took it for about a 10 mile spin and realized Dave was right. I haven't ridden a bike without a windscreen since riding my 1967 Triumph TR6C almost 8 years ago.

I had the tall screen on it and can't believe how much more nimble the Touring felt with what was probably about 10 pounds off the front end.

I'll be riding our annual local Kidney Run this morning and will be doing it "Roadster Style".

And I also got the fender rack from Tripps. It doesn't have the mounting hardware but my friend and I realized that we could use the existing rear backrest/mount with a simple modification and a few bushings and mounting bolts. I'll get at that this week when I remove the GPS.

And a tip of the hat to both Tripps and Scot in Exile.

Without the windshield my buddy calls mine the Klingon Battle Cruiser, dreadnought class. He says it should have gangways along the sides and instead of a throttle, you should ring bells to signal the men below to shovel more coal into the boilers. My other bud calls her Matilda.
Gotta love bugs if you don't have a bug screen. A few splats in the glasses or nose or lip and you will put it back on. Then again, you might wear a full face helmet
Me likey the new look!
Solo seat looks terrific.
Ya might try a giant fly now . . .
I have only used the screen on my touring a handful of times, prefer the ride without it. Admittedly here in Queensland the heat is more problematic than cold.
Looks good solo seat!
Loved the ride today without the screen. We hit just under 100mph twice and it was, well, interesting hanging on and a bit cool. I wore my full face helmet but we are fortunate here in western Washington in that we don't have a lot of bugs. I recall riding from Virginia Beach down into NC in the spring/early summer and having my windscreen covered in bugs.

Steve, it's interesting that you mentioned a fly screen. One of the guys I rode with today was riding a Duc and I was trying to describe the flyscreen I had on my 07 Classic..I wonder of anything like it is available for a Touring.
Mike I am so proud of you I am sitting here with a tear in my eye now if only we can convert the rest on this site then the World will be at peace.

And completely free in the wind.

I'll still use a screen for long range touring though. I admit that while it is very enjoyable, riding all day with no screen at high speed was most fatiguing for the old fat man.

Oh and I got a solid 30 mpg, which I thought was pretty good for the way we were riding
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