new to this ! ZX14R rider turned Rocket III rider.

Thanks for the comparo. It's nice to read it from someone who knows, rather than the paid opinions of guys who advertising pays their checks. You sound like an real adrenaline junkie. What was the fastest you ever took you ZX14 up to? What is it like going that speed? The fastest I have ever rode is 125mph, and I didn't stay there too long. I was scared ****less.
I pegged it at 200 mph multiple times the last time I did it I pinned for about a minute . I figured I covered 3 1/4 miles in 1 min . Its insane . It took me 3 tries before I gathered the courage to do it. First time I chickened out at about 180. Second time I did about 190. 3rd time I held until the needle touched 200 and let right off. Of course I had the ecu flashed with brocks race mod. I had the zx14r so it was the fastest motorized vehicle I have ever owned. I've had fast cars and sleds. Made all those look like snails. My rocket 3 feels like a moped compared to's nothing like it. Truth be told it's the only thing I've ever ridden in my life that both wow'ed me and scared the living sh*t out of me every time I rode it. I would say it felt like the melinium falcon going into hyper drive at that speed. They shouldn't sell bikes like that...I'm trying real hard not to order the new H2 Just for funzies.... My buddy said he came at me on a role of about 150+mph on his BMW k1600gt , I was cruising about 65 mph . As soon as I saw him in my mirror coming at me like a bat out of hell I down shifted to 3rd pegged it and he never even pulled along side of me. I just pulled away. He said he's never seen anything do that before. Probably a good thing I got rid of it. But I do miss it.
I pegged it at 200 mph multiple times the last time I did it I pinned for about a minute . I figured I covered 3 1/4 miles in 1 min . Its insane . It took me 3 tries before I gathered the courage to do it. First time I chickened out at about 180. Second time I did about 190. 3rd time I held until the needle touched 200 and let right off. Of course I had the ecu flashed with brocks race mod. I had the zx14r so it was the fastest motorized vehicle I have ever owned. I've had fast cars and sleds. Made all those look like snails. My rocket 3 feels like a moped compared to's nothing like it. Truth be told it's the only thing I've ever ridden in my life that both wow'ed me and scared the living sh*t out of me every time I rode it. I would say it felt like the melinium falcon going into hyper drive at that speed. They shouldn't sell bikes like that...I'm trying real hard not to order the new H2 Just for funzies.... My buddy said he came at me on a role of about 150+mph on his BMW k1600gt , I was cruising about 65 mph . As soon as I saw him in my mirror coming at me like a bat out of hell I down shifted to 3rd pegged it and he never even pulled along side of me. I just pulled away. He said he's never seen anything do that before. Probably a good thing I got rid of it. But I do miss it.

Coming from a Hayabusa, i can feel with you. Welcome!

You do sound like you will mod your Rocket mate. You will probably not get the same topspeed as a ZX14, but it is surprisingly easy to get the same rearwheel power out of your Rocket...

And when you're there, you might feel that it's even more fun to have that kind of power from a massive engine like that, at relatively low revs. The roar is just better!
Coming from a Hayabusa, i can feel with you. Welcome!

You do sound like you will mod your Rocket mate. You will probably not get the same topspeed as a ZX14, but it is surprisingly easy to get the same rearwheel power out of your Rocket...

And when you're there, you might feel that it's even more fun to have that kind of power from a massive engine like that, at relatively low revs. The roar is just
Coming from a Hayabusa, i can feel with you. Welcome!

You do sound like you will mod your Rocket mate. You will probably not get the same topspeed as a ZX14, but it is surprisingly easy to get the same rearwheel power out of your Rocket...

And when you're there, you might feel that it's even more fun to have that kind of power from a massive engine like that, at relatively low revs. The roar is just better!

I love the bike:) right now just just installed the Ramair kit and now I'm waiting for my GI Pro w/ATRE . Gonna open this beasts top end and get rid of the timing retarder. Hopefully wake her up a bit with the combo. Then rear dresser bars are going and new hard saddle bags. End result should look good. Pictures to follow.
Hello everyone :) I am new to the forums and just wanted to say Hi. I recently purchased my first 2014 Triumph Rocket III roadster and I'm loving it! A little different from the ZX14R but I'm adapting . The bike is a beautiful bike both to look at and ride . I live in the cold upper peninsula of Michigan for the all of the 37 years of my life . I'm very new to learning the triumph tricks and mods. So I look forward to talking to you all and hopefully learn a few things and make some friends as we go. :).
Welcome from Kansas City . I rode a Hayabusa for 6 years ,so I made a similar change in bikes. I just bought an 2015 Roadster ,and love it . Right now Im kind of studying different ways to get more power without disturbing her rideability . I am starting to get used to using the low rpm torque instead of swinging the tach needle around. I have also found she handles very well once I got use to shoving her into turns . I like that you have to RIDE her to go at good clip . I also like that she is very comfortable to just cruise down the road on when I feel like a relaxing ride . I never really enjoyed riding the Hayabusa slow. Maybe we will learn some things togiether .
Welcome from Kansas City . I rode a Hayabusa for 6 years ,so I made a similar change in bikes. I just bought an 2015 Roadster ,and love it . Right now Im kind of studying different ways to get more power without disturbing her rideability . I am starting to get used to using the low rpm torque instead of swinging the tach needle around. I have also found she handles very well once I got use to shoving her into turns . I like that you have to RIDE her to go at good clip . I also like that she is very comfortable to just cruise down the road on when I feel like a relaxing ride . I never really enjoyed riding the Hayabusa slow. Maybe we will learn some things togiether .

I love muscling around that old tank in the corners. Shows me what I'm made of...haha. you'll enjoy the rocket 3 . It's a very beautiful and power god when it comes to cruisers. Yes we will learn some stuff.
You younguns bring me great enjoymenr reading your banter regards moving from sport bike to power cruiser!
Also enjoying the memories of when I did the same over 25 years ago! :thumbsup:
You younguns bring me great enjoymenr reading your banter regards moving from sport bike to power cruiser!
Also enjoying the memories of when I did the same over 25 years ago! :thumbsup:

One thing I can say is that I get more looks and compliments on this bike then I ever have before from any previous bike. Even when in large groups everyone always ends up in a circle around the triumph . They just shake thier heads when the see the size of it.
One thing I can say is that I get more looks and compliments on this bike then I ever have before from any previous bike. Even when in large groups everyone always ends up in a circle around the triumph . They just shake thier heads when the see the size of it.
Agreed. I have had the same thing happen to me at least 4 times this summer. My wife and kids ride with me (son #1-ZX10, son #2- ZZR600, son # 3 Springer & wife Ninja 650R) and the Rocket gets the Holy Sh#t what size is that? WOW thats beautiful and so on... The family just walks away. The best thing is I think there is only one or two other Rockets on Cape Cod. I love this thing.
You younguns bring me great enjoymenr reading your banter regards moving from sport bike to power cruiser!
Also enjoying the memories of when I did the same over 25 years ago! :thumbsup:
1olbull I am up there with ya, I feel younger now that I am on the Rocket. Ponce de Leon would have loved this bike. I still ride the kids Ninjas once in a while to remember why I dont ride rice rockets anymore. My wrist, shoulders, elbows, neck, back, hips and everything between my adams apple and shins tend to hurt after 20 minutes hanging over the gas tank. But I still act like I am 16. Just ask my wife.