Hi from NZ and another ex zx14 rider, those are great bikes, hard to fault. That ram air system starts kicking in around 120mph giving a turbo-like boost, I used to chicken out and change into 4th around then to keep the front wheel on the ground, the power starts increasing exponentially to insane levels. I actually found the bike was too fast and too much power to make use of on our roads here where there is a corner at the end of every straight, as you say, it is a coffin waiting to happen! Good fun though huh? With the rocket I can see potential for disaster also but in a different way because it is capable of getting up to high speed very easily but you do have to slow down more for the bends, it corners ok using a good amount of counter steer to drop it in but if you hit a big slump in the road just before the bend that pig wallowing action can lead to losing the line, a lot of peg scraping and adrenalin rushing, sweating, and bulging eyeballs as seen on Mad Max 1 just before the guy has a head on with a Mack truck