new to this ! ZX14R rider turned Rocket III rider.

There really is no comparison from the ZX14R . It was just sick fast. But again 2 different bikes. The rocket 3 is a beautiful torque monster and a one of a kind cruiser that gets nothing but compliments on its menising looks. But the zx14r would eat my rocket 3 up for breakfast in any type of race. An example would be I'd come out of first gear at 70ish , 2nd around 125ish ,3rd 150ish and the rest use your imgination. The zx14r would pull just as hard at 150mph as it did at 50mph. Bottom line......Very scary bike. I wouldn't even let my friends try it because I didn't trust them with all the power. All I did to it was a ecu race mod through Brocks perforamnce. Getting rid of this bike probably is gonna alow me to reach old age . Glad I owned one but now I ride in style and comfort. I still rule the roost with all my buddies when we ride when push comes to shove....;-) . The one thing I can say is they shouldn't sell bikes like that. "Coffin on wheels".

Hi from NZ and another ex zx14 rider, those are great bikes, hard to fault. That ram air system starts kicking in around 120mph giving a turbo-like boost, I used to chicken out and change into 4th around then to keep the front wheel on the ground, the power starts increasing exponentially to insane levels. I actually found the bike was too fast and too much power to make use of on our roads here where there is a corner at the end of every straight, as you say, it is a coffin waiting to happen! Good fun though huh? With the rocket I can see potential for disaster also but in a different way because it is capable of getting up to high speed very easily but you do have to slow down more for the bends, it corners ok using a good amount of counter steer to drop it in but if you hit a big slump in the road just before the bend that pig wallowing action can lead to losing the line, a lot of peg scraping and adrenalin rushing, sweating, and bulging eyeballs as seen on Mad Max 1 just before the guy has a head on with a Mack truck;)
Hi from NZ and another ex zx14 rider, those are great bikes, hard to fault. That ram air system starts kicking in around 120mph giving a turbo-like boost, I used to chicken out and change into 4th around then to keep the front wheel on the ground, the power starts increasing exponentially to insane levels. I actually found the bike was too fast and too much power to make use of on our roads here where there is a corner at the end of every straight, as you say, it is a coffin waiting to happen! Good fun though huh? With the rocket I can see potential for disaster also but in a different way because it is capable of getting up to high speed very easily but you do have to slow down more for the bends, it corners ok using a good amount of counter steer to drop it in but if you hit a big slump in the road just before the bend that pig wallowing action can lead to losing the line, a lot of peg scraping and adrenalin rushing, sweating, and bulging eyeballs as seen on Mad Max 1 just before the guy has a head on with a Mack truck;)

I agree with you zx cornered like a lambo. The rocket corners more like a Cadillac "El Dorado 70's style". Hahaha...but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the attention it gets wherever we stop tontine a break. Out of 5 to 8 bikes in our group including a $42,000.00 2015 Harley , No one looks for long at any of the bikes until they lay eyes on the rocket. Then they always start with all the questions. My favorite reaction is how big oeo People's eyes get when they find out the pure insane 2300cc size and the second holy sh*t when you explain to them it's a 140 cubic inch "pull a full school bus of kids" motor. 3rd and actually the best reaction is my the look on the Harley guy's face when no one says a word about his bike. I could of bout 3 rocket 3's for that price! Like my dad says "yours looks better, it out performs it by far and it's probably just as comfortable with less vibration then that overpriced HD." So yes I love my rocket 3.
I agree with you zx cornered like a lambo. The rocket corners more like a Cadillac "El Dorado 70's style". Hahaha...but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the attention it gets wherever we stop tontine a break. Out of 5 to 8 bikes in our group including a $42,000.00 2015 Harley , No one looks for long at any of the bikes until they lay eyes on the rocket. Then they always start with all the questions. My favorite reaction is how big oeo People's eyes get when they find out the pure insane 2300cc size and the second holy sh*t when you explain to them it's a 140 cubic inch "pull a full school bus of kids" motor. 3rd and actually the best reaction is my the look on the Harley guy's face when no one says a word about his bike. I could of bout 3 rocket 3's for that price! Like my dad says "yours looks better, it out performs it by far and it's probably just as comfortable with less vibration then that overpriced HD." So yes I love my rocket 3.
Sorry for the Grammer ...on my phone...
I agree with you zx cornered like a lambo. The rocket corners more like a Cadillac "El Dorado 70's style". Hahaha...but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the attention it gets wherever we stop tontine a break. Out of 5 to 8 bikes in our group including a $42,000.00 2015 Harley , No one looks for long at any of the bikes until they lay eyes on the rocket. Then they always start with all the questions. My favorite reaction is how big oeo People's eyes get when they find out the pure insane 2300cc size and the second holy sh*t when you explain to them it's a 140 cubic inch "pull a full school bus of kids" motor. 3rd and actually the best reaction is my the look on the Harley guy's face when no one says a word about his bike. I could of bout 3 rocket 3's for that price! Like my dad says "yours looks better, it out performs it by far and it's probably just as comfortable with less vibration then that overpriced HD." So yes I love my rocket 3.
My sentiments exactly. The H-D guys that know what a Rocket is wont say a word. I love it.
Hi from NZ and another ex zx14 rider, those are great bikes, hard to fault. That ram air system starts kicking in around 120mph giving a turbo-like boost, I used to chicken out and change into 4th around then to keep the front wheel on the ground, the power starts increasing exponentially to insane levels. I actually found the bike was too fast and too much power to make use of on our roads here where there is a corner at the end of every straight, as you say, it is a coffin waiting to happen! Good fun though huh? With the rocket I can see potential for disaster also but in a different way because it is capable of getting up to high speed very easily but you do have to slow down more for the bends, it corners ok using a good amount of counter steer to drop it in but if you hit a big slump in the road just before the bend that pig wallowing action can lead to losing the line, a lot of peg scraping and adrenalin rushing, sweating, and bulging eyeballs as seen on Mad Max 1 just before the guy has a head on with a Mack truck;)
So a crew of us were
I'm installing the RAMAIR, led turn signal morriors, driver backrest , passanger flat boards for the feet, air horn and I'm gonna de-restrict the top end governor .probably bump up the rpm's a tad too Thursday. Gonna be a busy day. Next year hard bags possibly costum fairing and a stereo. Everyone keeps asking why I just don't get a Harley.. not at that chapter life yet. I enjoy this bike.
WELCOME from a "Crusty Old Bastard" in WA State!
You have made a wise choice in motors and arrived at the best place to learn about it.
I just completed installing boards on my R3R. Let me know if I can be of help. :thumbsup:
My sentiments exactly. The H-D guys that know what a Rocket is wont say a word. I love it.
My sentiments exactly. The H-D guys that know what a Rocket is wont say a word. I love it.
So a crew of us were riding the other day (4 Harleys , 1 Honda Valkyrie, 1 triumph rocket 3 "myself"). When we all stopped to get fuel and take a break my dad's buddy (Harley rider) comes up to me looks at all the dead squished bugs in my bike and says "all the triumph is good for is killing bugs". I replied to his remark by saying " you're just jealous your Harley doesn't go fast enough to kill a bug". I think the Harley guys laughed louder then my Dad on his honda.....
Welcome from the Heart of Dixie.
Thanks for the comparo. It's nice to read it from someone who knows, rather than the paid opinions of guys who advertising pays their checks. You sound like an real adrenaline junkie. What was the fastest you ever took you ZX14 up to? What is it like going that speed? The fastest I have ever rode is 125mph, and I didn't stay there too long. I was scared ****less.