Welcome @uppermirocket4 from Queensland Australia. You are going to love the machine. Best bike I have had, and you can gradually make them yours with a multitude of mods. I have a wish list that I am gradually working through.
Hello everyone I am new to the forums and just wanted to say Hi. I recently purchased my first 2014 Triumph Rocket III roadster and I'm loving it! A little different from the ZX14R but I'm adapting . The bike is a beautiful bike both to look at and ride . I live in the cold upper peninsula of Michigan for the all of the 37 years of my life . I'm very new to learning the triumph tricks and mods. So I look forward to talking to you all and hopefully learn a few things and make some friends as we go. .
There really is no comparison from the ZX14R . It was just sick fast. But again 2 different bikes. The rocket 3 is a beautiful torque monster and a one of a kind cruiser that gets nothing but compliments on its menising looks. But the zx14r would eat my rocket 3 up for breakfast in any type of race. An example would be I'd come out of first gear at 70ish , 2nd around 125ish ,3rd 150ish and the rest use your imgination. The zx14r would pull just as hard at 150mph as it did at 50mph. Bottom line......Very scary bike. I wouldn't even let my friends try it because I didn't trust them with all the power. All I did to it was a ecu race mod through Brocks perforamnce. Getting rid of this bike probably is gonna alow me to reach old age . Glad I owned one but now I ride in style and comfort. I still rule the roost with all my buddies when we ride when push comes to shove....;-) . The one thing I can say is they shouldn't sell bikes like that. "Coffin on wheels".
My son has a 2014 ZX10, he was leaving it here but kept finding added miles on it. We did the ecu flash, K&N filter and M4 pipe and it is scary fast. The Ninja will crush my R3R. He rode the Rocket and was actually impressed. But you are correct uppermirocket4 there is no comparison between these big cc Rice Rockets and the Triumph Rocket. But its almost close. I too rule the roost with my riding buddies until my kids show up.
My son has a 2014 ZX10, he was leaving it here but kept finding added miles on it. We did the ecu flash, K&N filter and M4 pipe and it is scary fast. The Ninja will crush my R3R. He rode the Rocket and was actually impressed. But you are correct uppermirocket4 there is no comparison between these big cc Rice Rockets and the Triumph Rocket. But its almost close. I too rule the roost with my riding buddies until my kids show up.
But on the long haul we have comfort under our rears. Not to mention a real bad ass looking fat back tire and an engine that looks like king Kong designed.
But on the long haul we have comfort under our rears. Not to mention a real bad ass looking fat back tire and an engine that looks like king Kong designed.