Welcome from Afgh...ooops, I mean Molino, FL (forgot I was already home). Hope you get your Rocket soon, though from your post it sounds like it may be too cold to ride.
thanks all and i am from browndeer on the far northwest side of milwaukee wisconsin .. well guys i made it final to day i bought a brand new 2008 r3 classic blue/silver but won't be picking it up t'ill spring **** winters now i have to wait 4-5 months before i can ride this sucks !! oh sorry i got it fore 13.000 usdollars
thanks all and i am from browndeer on the far northwest side of milwaukee wisconsin .. well guys i made it final to day i bought a brand new 2008 r3 classic blue/silver but won't be picking it up t'ill spring **** winters now i have to wait 4-5 months before i can ride this sucks !! oh sorry i got it fore 13.000 usdollars
well call and canceld on the r3 that i had on hold but a nether dealer from the other side of my state offered me a way better deal so i will going out there on saterday to buy it and see what i can get them to throw in on the deal !!
Wow!!! You work fast!!! Congrats and Welcome. This is the best R3 site there is a you will soon find out. So much knowledge it hurts!!!! I bought my R3T in Jan 08 and had them store it until april!!!! But now that Ive had it for a season Im positive I made the right choice. you will not be disappointed!!
since i decided to get a r3 a couple of weeks ago and found this site have a hard time pulling my self away from the site and all the great post because when i a new bike i want to know every thing about it .because before this i have never realy looked at any triumph so i have no knowlage of these bikes and buy the time i get to bring the bike home i want to work and do all my own maintance because there is only 2 dealers withen a 25 miles of my house the dealer that i am getting the bike from is over 2 hours a way but i have worked on bikes and cars for a living so i look forword to a new ride!!
You can do about anything to it you're determined to do.
There is a learning curve coming from a harley, (like me)
but nothing you can't do I'm sure, since you're familiar with bikes anyway.
You getting a BRAND NEW one or a demo?
Standard, classic or R3T?
post pics when you get er home.