RocketDaryl...ha, is that was funny. Besides I told you awhile back I needed the extra 100cc's because of the extra 100 lbs I'm carrying more than you.
TD...while it can be dangerous the two different camps I've been assigned have been pretty quiet so I've enjoyed that aspect of working over here...though the Taliban/Al Queda local contingent today fired off a rocket in my honor...I think...and as usual it missed the camp entirely...hope the luck holds.
Dave, the t-shirt should be getting close to being in if my wife ever makes it out that way (to D&D's) she can drop it off...I'll let you know when my wife gets the package.
And for all the rest of you who commented on my guys are right that is the greatest news for the last three years...and is the only reason I've been able to be over here since 2008. The time frame collaspsing job that I have been very fortunate/blessed to have been given has helped us out immensely and will make it possible to not have to be over here past next June...Thanks for those comments, I'm sure my wife will appreciate them.
9 dtg KAF
14 dtg Dubai
15 dtg London
17 dtg Ace Motorcycle Cafe
68 dtg Dubai
69 dtg Home (Thunderbird time)