New Starter rebuild and new battery.... ISSUE with starting... baffles me... will not start on 1st crank attempt

i think that the difference between the first try and the second try is
i think on the first try the ignition is not firing the coils on second try it fires the coils so you have a faster cranking.
the way i checked mine was to hook up the old school dwell meter to each side of the coil so in the morning no dwell reading and no start and in the afternoon
while cranking has 55 degree dwell and cranks good and starts good and runs good the rest of the day.
If you follow the ground - wire from the battery to the engine termination by the starter, about half way down there is a really crappy connector that pig tails out of the cable and T’s off I believe to fuse box or common negative termination! I ran a new wire and crimped it and heat shrunk it. The I replace the starting relay with an OEM replacement and I’ve have not had a problem since!
I also did all the other upgrades, starter, 2nd ground cable ect!
This was a long time ago and I’m running on my memory!
Not sure if it will help but have you tried warming up the battery, like turning a turn signal or the headlight on before you initially crank and then try cranking it the first time and see if it helps, used to have to do it with my ither bike which has a Lithium battery on it. I'd be interested to know if that is the issue.
Not sure if it will help but have you tried warming up the battery, like turning a turn signal or the headlight on before you initially crank and then try cranking it the first time and see if it helps, used to have to do it with my ither bike which has a Lithium battery on it. I'd be interested to know if that is the issue.
Well even right off the maintainer or after hours of riding or sorting for a few days nothing changes. If there is a fix that I have to use a blinker before I start the bike... it's not fixed.
Either it works or it's not working correctly.
I understand troubleshooting things this way though.
I think it's a pure coincidence. I'll try swapping the battery though just for kicks.
Not sure if it will help but have you tried warming up the battery, like turning a turn signal or the headlight on before you initially crank and then try cranking it the first time and see if it helps, used to have to do it with my ither bike which has a Lithium battery on it. I'd be interested to know if that is the issue.
Pretty sure that is a 'Lithium specific' problem which only occurs in very cold weather and a conventional battery does not have that problem.
Took her out today with many stops here and there. Now that I have time to analyze this from the seat with a fresh mind, it has to be the relay system.
It is not 100% all the time and does not depend on how long it's been. The issue is still there hit its hit or miss. More often than not but still seems random. To me that's a relay that is not letting the coils fire or injectors activate. The "slow cran is exactly what turbo said. Its firing and this cranks a bit faster.
Also who out there can start their 1st gen with out holding the clutch in.... that's not how mine works!

So I'll check that wiring and ground you all talk about and if that's not it ill get a replacment relay.
Took her out today with many stops here and there. Now that I have time to analyze this from the seat with a fresh mind, it has to be the relay system.
It is not 100% all the time and does not depend on how long it's been. The issue is still there hit its hit or miss. More often than not but still seems random. To me that's a relay that is not letting the coils fire or injectors activate. The "slow cran is exactly what turbo said. Its firing and this cranks a bit faster.
Also who out there can start their 1st gen with out holding the clutch in.... that's not how mine works!

So I'll check that wiring and ground you all talk about and if that's not it ill get a replacment relay.

THE short negitive ground wire they are talking about is about 6 or 7 inches long and goes down and there is a connection that you can find under the left side pannel now mine was clean but i just cut the connector out and soldered the wires together because of my problems. i know that some people had trouble with this connection.