I have two ultimate Triumph T Shirts, at least for me and possibly Tom Cat , they read F@#k Off in Triumph style lettering with the swoosh coming off and under Hinkley style. I wear it for V Twinkies. I think they're out of production now.
Could anyone here act as a liaison with the German R3 forum ? (www.rocket3.org) I went to their site but can't figure out how to contact their moderator. Would like to have their blessing before using their design on a shirt. Let me know here or pm me. Thanks, Fred
This is what I have so far. As always to get the good pricing I need to order 50+. I don't have a firm price yet but looks like $18 or $19 bucks including shipping. I'm not sure there is much interest. If you'd like one or more please post here. For now just something like "Joe blow, 3". Don't need to worry about sizes yet. He can get womens shirts too.