New shirt idea ?

I found this size comparison chart. It is possible to check the chest size with the supplier?

I normally wear a XXL here in Auss and Freds previous shirts have been same sizing, if that helps
I normally wear a XXL here in Auss and Freds previous shirts have been same sizing, if that helps

Just checking because some suppliers have different sizes and a Large Big Mac Meal in AUS = Small Big Mac Meal in the US

Thanks Fred - I just sent you the funds via paypal
Was just about to offer my limited co-ordination skills .. but you beat me to it mate .. hahahaha

Aw jeez mate, I'm sorry. Didn't realise you were so keen. Happy to hand it over to you.

Seems only you and Peter K are interested in my offer anyway so probably best if everyone just does their own thing.

Fred @Rocket Scientist have you worked out postage to Oz yet? Still be cheaper for one big parcel I reckon but there you go.
I'm happy with your offer CR3. In fact I can check out the new Triumph Dealership while picking up my new shirt
I found this size comparison chart. It is possible to check the chest size with the supplier?

I suspect that chart may be having a go at what Jay Leno calls "fat assed Americans". But then again, if it is a real comparison chart. . .
So far I have payments for 19 shirts. A tad shy of the 50 I need to get the good pricing. May I offer the following suggestion;

(1) Buy one for a friend (even if they ride a Hardly).
(2) Buy one for your wife.
(3) Buy one for your mistress
(4) Buy one for your wife's boyfriend
(5) Buy one for your dog.
(6) Don't forget the paper boy, mail lady, etc.
I found this size comparison chart. It is possible to check the chest size with the supplier?

Still waiting to hear back from the printer. The first email I sent him I forgot to attach the chart . Another manifestation of CRS disease (can't remember $hit).