I found this size comparison chart. It is possible to check the chest size with the supplier?

I normally wear a XXL here in Auss and Freds previous shirts have been same sizing, if that helps
I normally wear a XXL here in Auss and Freds previous shirts have been same sizing, if that helps

Just checking because some suppliers have different sizes and a Large Big Mac Meal in AUS = Small Big Mac Meal in the US

Thanks Fred - I just sent you the funds via paypal :)
Was just about to offer my limited co-ordination skills .. but you beat me to it mate .. hahahaha

Aw jeez mate, I'm sorry. Didn't realise you were so keen. Happy to hand it over to you. ;)

Seems only you and Peter K are interested in my offer anyway so probably best if everyone just does their own thing.

Fred @Rocket Scientist have you worked out postage to Oz yet? Still be cheaper for one big parcel I reckon but there you go. :banghead:
I found this size comparison chart. It is possible to check the chest size with the supplier?

I suspect that chart may be having a go at what Jay Leno calls "fat assed Americans". But then again, if it is a real comparison chart. . .
So far I have payments for 19 shirts. A tad shy of the 50 I need to get the good pricing. May I offer the following suggestion;

(1) Buy one for a friend (even if they ride a Hardly).
(2) Buy one for your wife.
(3) Buy one for your mistress :eek:
(4) Buy one for your wife's boyfriend :eek::eek:
(5) Buy one for your dog.
(6) Don't forget the paper boy, mail lady, etc.