New Rocket X in the crowd

In case you haven't heard & FYI:
The 15th we are leaving Tacoma for a two day ride 'round the Loop (WA peninsula) to include Pt. Townsend, Hurricane Ridge (spend nite at Forks then next day) Hoh Rain Forrest, Ocean Shores and back to Yelm for a great live band private soiree from 6 pm to 9 pm on Sunday the 16th.
You and ALL members here are welcome!!! (there will be other Rockets there)

Thanks for the invite but my job takes me away from home just about every week and I look forward to some "home time" with the wife, dogs and bike. I don't mind shorter rides and on my side of the mountains, its 4 hours for me to get to Seatac from home.
I am new here too. Joined a few weeks back. So far the folks on this forum are the best I have spoken with. Lots of good advice and some real experienced Rocket owners. Welcome from Cape Cod, MA.