New Rocket Rider needs help understanding the beast

That's REALLY lucky! I'd give anything to be able to run straight gas!

Australia must really be the lucky country. We can get straight gas at all servo's.

There was a public backlash a few years ago when the government wanted to broaden the use ethanol based fuel. Apparently it was going to hurt our engines … and take precious resources away from our Rum distilling industry.

At most servo's in Australia you get the choice of e10, 91RON, 95RON and 98RON.

definition: servo
Thanks , the only problem is I have an Android. seriously thanks. I'll check for my android phone. Yesterday I did a physical therapy ride (stress relief) while gasing up at a local stop & rob, a Rocket talk started and I was informed of a station that sold nonalcoholic gas close by. So I went there. By the way the stop & rob has the best bean barretos for gasing up.
WRT to the original post...don't worry about running out of gas. Until Triumph does something about the brick they call a seat you will be stopping to fill up long before you run out just so you can get some feeling back in your a$$
But you ride like your runnin Apple pie. (smile now)
I want to change this up a bit. I have encountered another problem. I was practicing turning in circles the way the Motor Man teaches. I chocked the beast and she fell on me. (the motorcycle), sorry my mind goes places, Any way now the bike is not starting as easily as it did. it used to start right up even when cold, mow it has to turn over several times be for it starts. What did I do to it.