Just purchased my 2013 Rocket Roadster 2 weeks ago. I'm in Minnesota (USA) and old man winter won't let go. I WANNA RIDE!!!!!!
Welcome from Sunny South Florida! I'm sure you'll enjoy your time spent here with us. And - oh yeah - congrats on the new ride.
Welcome to the wonderful world of rocketry from New Jersey, Adam.

Enjoy the ride!
Catch a redeye down here and I'll loan you a bike for the weekend or however long you want to stay.

If I wasn't a poor, broke *****mo-fo, I'd be all over that ! Thanks for the offer ! I would like to ride that Valk sometime. I've never ridden one, but think I would like it. :D
If I wasn't a poor, broke *****mo-fo, I'd be all over that ! Thanks for the offer ! I would like to ride that Valk sometime. I've never ridden one, but think I would like it. :D
It is a sweet ride. I should have both R3's available in a few days. Still having trouble getting a tune close enough to put her on the dyno.
Welcome Adam, from the great state of Texas! We really need to see a pic of those apes. I have a friend with apes on his Harley who spends most of his time picking Junebugs out of his armpit hair. :sick: