Welcome indeed (all 6-5 of you) from thee WA (State that is). The land of the cloudy overcast, no sun, rain forrest. The home of too many commie pinko flaming liberal Democrat. (God bless OK)
Shall be riding in your area in few weeks on way to Key West - keep a look out for a black beauty streak of doo doo lugging an overweight gray old man.
You have found the BEST group of MC enthusiasts ANYWHERE - right here on this site!
Best Regards,
Welcome indeed (all 6-5 of you) from thee WA (State that is). The land of the cloudy overcast, no sun, rain forrest. The home of too many commie pinko flaming liberal Democrat. (God bless OK)
Shall be riding in your area in few weeks on way to Key West - keep a look out for a black beauty streak of doo doo lugging an overweight gray old man.
You have found the BEST group of MC enthusiasts ANYWHERE - right here on this site!
Best Regards,
Yes, let me know also when you're headed for the keys, I might be game. Heck, being born in Miami, I don't even need a passport to the "Conk Republic". Be sure and stop at the "Last Chance" and tell Skeeter that "Sasquatch" said HI!