New Owner, my thoughts and a few questions and observations

The T is a slightly different bike from the Roadster. Same engine different tune. We have a Tune ECU tune you can load yourself with the freeware Tune ECU and a compatible Lonelec Cable. Google both of these and learn more. I have 2 of these hot rod tunes and can email them to you. Send me a PM with your email address. Now as far as modifications you need to at least get the Triumph TORs muffler cans or a set of D&D Exhaust with baffles. These 2 exhaust systems eliminate the catalyst converters that are mounted in the stock exhaust cans. They are both affordable and sound wonderful but not crazy loud. The air intake you can live with stock or install the RamAir filter system. They are affordable too. There is also a K&N option, but they don't give you as good of an install for the air flow sensor as the RamAir does.

Long term service should have the oil changed at the first 500 or 600 miles. Some like to change again at 1500 miles. Then change oil every 5K miles or annually whichever is first. Use the Castrol 4T Full Syn 10W50. You need 6 to 6.5 quarts for an oil change. I know you are in Canada and can convert these measurements to metric yourself.
Use the Castrol 4T Full Syn 10W50. You need 6 to 6.5 quarts for an oil change. I know you are in Canada and can convert these measurements to metric yourself.
I have been using a local brand 15w-50 full Syn with no problems at all. Some say 10w-40 and some 10w-50. Some say Semi-Syn some Full Syn. That is 5.4 litres with the filter every 8000km. If you don´t have original oil filter in hand, for example K&N will do the job.

Castrol is recommended by Triumph but a while back it was Mobil so...
My R3T just passed 8500 miles I currently am running K&N filters, TORS and a Hanso tune. It is running sweeter than when I bought it with 2000 miles on it.
We just replaced our first set of tires on our 2015 Rocket. Its been a great bike and this one doesn't rattle or have any buzzing. I had D&D pipes and a Triumph tune put on it the first week after I bought it. it seems plenty powerful enough as is for me. I just use it for touring, rarely ever ride it around town. I have another older Triumph that I only use for around town. You made a great choice with the Rocket.