New mystery Triumph to be announced next week

Seeing as how MotoGP is about to start their testing for the 2018 season, I would guess it's the 765 triple
The new Speedmaster is stunning. A pair of leather saddlebags and a windscreen would make it just right. I've got to get over to the dealership in Seattle to take a look at the new lineup.
spoke again to local "stealer" he is sure there wont be another R3 using the emmissions story, "NOTE TO TRIUMPH" In Australia we dont have those restrictive laws so just make it for us!!!!!! oh I believe the USA dont either, so you can make it for them too and maybe New Zealand although most of the Kiwi's are here anyway hahahaha
No race bias retorts please
Never mind the new Rocket as we have been hearing this **** for years, now the worlds best selling motorcycle is bringing out some new/revised/retro models this year and pretty cheap to.

Wee clue---you always meet the nicest people on a -----:D
What's with this ???

I would say that’s an American that doesn’t understand the cultural etiquette that exists between aussies and kiwis. :cool::cool: