New Member, Rocket III in my future !

Welcome from New Jersey! I made the switch too! Best move I made, the Rocket Roadster is an AWESOME bike!
Welcome from Sleepy Perth Downunder... We Put the Sun to Bed in WA

WA...It's Where the Real Men ride the R3s and real women sit behind,
Following the Real Men !!
Who Ride the Real R3s (did I get it right)
Welcome from sunny Kansas (it's only cold enough to freeze a luke warm testicle)
Welcome from Washington State... ... I think you will enjoy passing groups of v-twins on the hwy without even dropping down to 4th.. If you're lucky.. they will look like skittles when ya fly by 'em....:bch:
Thanks for the warm welcome...
I must be having a brain cramp,

"I posted twice in the new members"
Introduce yourself thread. Oh Well.
Again thanks !

Its Black
I havent purchased it yet, I cant wait.
Next month with my tax return money.
I did set on one at the dealership last week and started-it. "Wow I like It"
I couldn't stop grinning.....
Salesman insisted on me taking it out for test ride,It was friday afternoon
rush hour in Scottsdale AZ, traffic was a nightmare at that time.
I will go back for a test ride earlier in the day.

Couldn't stop grinning and you only just started it Wait till you ride the beast your grin will rap around to the back of your head mate