New Member, Rocket III in my future !


Standard Bore
Nov 26, 2011
New to this forum.
I'm a AZ native, "New to Triumph"
I use to ride a V-Twin.... Time for a Rocket Roadster.
Well welcome from Irvine Kentucky where the mountains kiss the bluegrass have fun and remember to jump in here and put in your two cents worth, I hope you're in the warm part of Arizona
Good to have ya aboard Captain. Welcome from Dry Ridge Ky. What color is it?
Welcome to a better ride than any v-twin.
At least better than any I ever rode.
Glad to have ya with us.
Tell us about your previous ride(s).
Welcome from Oklahoma.
Welcome from Ohio. If and when I move from Ohio it will be to gain year round riding conditions. That being said four years ago I spent 2.5 wks of december in the mountains of arizona and that was quite snowy and cold. Hopefully, your in the valley somewhere warm.