New knob thingy’s (Suspension Upgrade)

Thank you sir. That looks nice and you enjoy as well.
Nobby things are nice
What was the price? Just comparing to the ak47 catridges Traxxion dynamics has. Your going to like the adjustability.
Kit was $595 but they had to do some mods cuz they don't make one for the Rocket so add another $200 for that. Next set will be easier for them since now they will have a baseline.
For the laity, what are those, and why are they worth $700 ?
Roadster, Classic and Std fitting aftermarket custom made cartridge front suspension inners this is the 3rd found now. Adjustable damping and rebound. @warp9.9 was deciding between the other two --Traxxion and 'I can't remember'

Race Tech only do front emulators for Tourings which have a different front suspension set up.
Thanks @Ishrub for explaining that way better than I could have
Correction at least 4 different custom ones for Std/Classic/Roadsters:
@barbagris has Maxton GP20 fork cartridges from the UK . TRIUMPH ROCKET 3.pdf ;
Traxxion Dynamics;
Mupo - Italian made; or
Ducati modified ones like @warp9.9 already has on one of his Rockets.

See them all here in this thread I posted in before.

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