welcome aboard Doug. Nice color on your motor. The rest of your bike is ok too that yella ain't bad, you do need to retire that grey boat anchor though. Just kiddin' been there, rode that, and still got 1 gathering dust beside my Rocket. welcome, xhdskip..
Don't listen to them Doug. Switchin back and forth from the Hardley to the Rocket make the "Grin" that much wider. That taste of Milwakee Iron from time to time just serves as a grim reminder of how things used to be, "Back in the 50's" :D:D:D
Doug..... Looks like you're the third yellow R3 that I know of. Both rides look great and the main thing is getting a chance to ride.

Are you near Simi Valley? L.A. was my stomping ground back in 75. I've kept my love for photography every since I shot a 4X5 Speed Graphic at sporting events in the early 60's for the Kansas City Star Newspaper.

Last year I left film, ASA and developing to go straight digital. Though an amateur photo bug now, my Canon 30D really makes it fun again. I'm still not sure about the 300 mm lens but hope to get some close up wildlife while riding the R3.

Welcome aboard


I'm about 25 miles from Simi. Shooting that Speed Graphic for the paper must have been fun! It's not easy using a 4x5 to shoot sporting events, but you don't need me to tell you that. That takes talent.

I love what is happenning in the digital world. I shot large format (4x5 and 6x17) for years, but it started getting prohibitively expensive. Each image was costing me $8 just in film and developing. Add in bracketing and you can be looking at $24 just to take a single picture. I finally made the switch to digital (full frame) about 2 years ago and I haven't looked back. I'm presently shooting a Canon EOS 5D, but I have the Mark II on order. I still can't make the razor sharp 40" x 50" enlargements that I could with 4x5, but I can make some pretty impressive 24 x 36's, and most clients don't want anything bigger than that anyway.

I'm glad that you're enjoying your 30D. What matters is that you're out there shooting! By the way, my sister use to live in Overland Park. She just moved from there to San Diego about 2 years ago.


Welcome to the site you are at the right place to access a wealth of R3 knowledge.

PS Your name looks kinda familiar, what bikes did you have before these two? Are you familiar with the VRCC?


I've never owned a V-Rod, and I assume that VRCC is V-Rod related. I've had a bunch of bikes - several Harleys, Hondas, Yamahas and Kawis. The Rock is my first european bike. I'm not sure where you might know me from, but I just recently sold a Street Glide, GL1800 and a ST1300 (just sold this week). I belonged to dedicated forums for each of these bikes.

Welcome Doug.. I actually like both your bikes.. :) Never had any real problems with any of the EVO and up Harleys I've known/owned, other than the power! Most of these guys didn't get to see the guy on a Harley Dyna ride the Pig's Trail with his wife/luggage in tow. He was flying through that road with a big blue/w flames Rocket III right on his tail the whole way.. :) No room to pass.. lol I'm sure he would have been really bookin' through there if he had an empty bike.. :)

Great looking bike! Pretty rare color there!