Doug Meek

.020 Over
Sep 25, 2008
Hi everyone.

I just found out about your forum from a fellow member of another R3 forum, so I thought I'd come on over and join the fun. I'm about 30 miles north of Los Angeles and presently have an '06 R3 standard and an '04 HD Road King Classic. Here are a couple of pics:

I look forward to learning more about my R3 from all of you. I'm getting ready to install TORS, cat bypass, triple K&N's and Tuneboy next weekend. Should keep me busy for a couple of days.

Doug Meek Photography
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Good to have you here. Nice R3 and pretty Harley. I suppose you are one of those guys that gets to ride rear round, lucky dog!:D
Nice Bikes!

Welcome to the form. Really like the Roc, what kind of seat is that you have there? There is a midget in Tx that has that same color bike. (just kidding):D:D
Hi Doug!

Welcome to our forum and I hope you jump right in. Pay no attention to Flip, he must have Harleyfobia today. I'll bet your HD begins to gather dust anyway when you start having horsepower withdraw symptoms if you don't ride your Rocket :D......

I like that color, that's a clean looking setup you have there.
Welcome to the site Doug. Beautiful photos on your site. Do you get to travel a lot to take pics?

Thanks for the kind words about my website Pig9r. I don't travel nearly as much as I would like, and most of my trips are limited to the southwestern U.S.A. I love combining my photography with motorcycling, but it's not easy taking a full blown large format system on a bike for a 2-week trip.

I now shoot full-frame digital as well, and it's much easier to pack on the bike. I use the Harley for my long motorcycle trips, and the R3 for short - medium day rides. I LOVE the stares I get on the R3. When I'm on my Harley I'm just another Harley. The R3 stands out though. Don't get me wrong - I love my Harley. It's way overpriced, underpowered, doesn't handle very well, and old technology - but I still love it. Can't explain it - I just do. As for the Rocket, man what a fun bike. It should be even more fun with the TORS, cat bypass, triple K&N's and Tuneboy.

Thanks for the kind welcome everyone. I'm looking forward to posting here often. Hope to be able to meet some of you in person on Nov 2 at Hansen Dam for the annual So Cal Norton Owners "Best Ride by a Dam Site".


Welcome to the site you are at the right place to access a wealth of R3 knowledge.

PS Your name looks kinda familiar, what bikes did you have before these two? Are you familiar with the VRCC?
You Can Go Both Ways!

Doug..... Looks like you're the third yellow R3 that I know of. Both rides look great and the main thing is getting a chance to ride.

Are you near Simi Valley? L.A. was my stomping ground back in 75. I've kept my love for photography every since I shot a 4X5 Speed Graphic at sporting events in the early 60's for the Kansas City Star Newspaper.

Last year I left film, ASA and developing to go straight digital. Though an amateur photo bug now, my Canon 30D really makes it fun again. I'm still not sure about the 300 mm lens but hope to get some close up wildlife while riding the R3.

Welcome aboard