New from Cincinnati-near, USA

Thank you and yes that has been a fear of mine since I got it. I do need to look into engine bars sooner rather than later. Any suggestions on where to look?:confused:

Yeah I read an article some time ago on the Thunderbird and when I went to Triumph's website to investigate I immediately fell in love with that color scheme. When I found it on a Rocket III I was thinking "yes, definitely you NEED that bike":D. So I sold the wifey on it and got to bring her home:cool:.
Go with the Genuine Triumph bars they are in my opinion better looking than the rivco ones, also quiet sturdy "NorthCountyYamaha" are a good Triumph dealer
Welcome from Richmond KY .Good to see another KY bike on line. Color combo looks great. Hang on and we all welcome another Rocket patriot.
Thank you and yes that has been a fear of mine since I got it. I do need to look into engine bars sooner rather than later. Any suggestions on where to look?:confused:

Yeah I read an article some time ago on the Thunderbird and when I went to Triumph's website to investigate I immediately fell in love with that color scheme. When I found it on a Rocket III I was thinking "yes, definitely you NEED that bike":D. So I sold the wifey on it and got to bring her home:cool:.

I got the OEM bars from my Dealer fitted at A$380.. 2yrs ago and they saved me a lot of Grief on a couple of occasions...

The trick if to forget the worry of dropping it because you will if you worry :eek: concentate on looking around for safe level and solid areas before you park.. believe me they take some lifting even at 45 degs with the engine bars fitted :D

The Guys here have given you some leads so check the prices but I would pay 500 to save the static damage that can be done to the Radiator, Ex Cans and hand levers etc.

Do it sooner rather than later Sir..:cool:
welcome for Columbus

There are alot of Aussies here so I figured you would feel better hearing from someone closer.:)
Thank you for the welcome! I get up to Columbus a couple of times each year for various festivals. Its good to know there are some like (right) minded people:D in the area