New from Austin County, TX

I was talking about two wheel hogs

The R3 is parked with 2 hogs. one road king and 2 vrods (1/2 hogs so 2 vrods = 1 hog)

The road-king which knows its place. (2 wheel recliner). The next bay over are 2 vrods. While the R3 is overall faster than the vrod, the vrod from ~7K up has one hell of a charge and would give the R3 a pretty matched run in a roll race under the right gear/speed conditions. Bad thing about the vrod is it has nothing under 4K and I have to be careful when I switch rides.
Been lurking a while - playing information sponge. Bought an 05 R3 with 3600 miles on it back in July. The bike is like crossing my v-rod with my road king and throwing out all the undesirable bits. Still getting used to riding it. I will say the R3 is **** oops (by golly dosh garned) good at sniffing out Saturday breakfast in the small towns around here.
A warm welcome from here in the United Kingdom