New Corbin Saddle

Is there a video somewhere that shows how to drop the fender pan and do the wiring? I couldn't figure out the fender pan and I'm 100% certain I won't be able to figure out the wiring once that time arrives. The package says "professional instructions located at", I think they mean you need to be a professional mechanic to do the install.
Well I am by far no professional mechanic, just somewhat knowledgeable and my automotive electrical skills are questionable to say the least. Hopefully you have a acquaintance or a buddy with the skill set who can help you out with your project. Definitely would not mess around with the wiring if you know you are not up for it.
As far as dropping the pan its a matter of removing the two left and right horizontal machine screws as circled in yellow and I believe the two other bolts I circled as well.
Then its just a matter of sliding the pan forward and it'll drop right out.
Also for reference I added a couple of Under side pics of the installed plate and bracket.
Good luck on your project, just take your time!


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Thanks for the pics, it never occurred to me to remove those 4 screws. What about the 2 bolts underneath right next to the passenger footpegs?
Okay, Corbin gunfighter seat and undertail showed up yesterday. Took about 45 minutes to install. Be prepared, seat is nice, but very hard, I assume it will soften with use. Corbin Undertail replaced the Tail Tidy from Lamontster Garage. I liked the minimalist look of the Lamontster option, but living in Florida, with our sporadic rain, I was getting soaked. The Corbin undertail seems to be blocking all the water from going up my back, which is nice. It looks okay to me. Still on it's way, is the Corbin Front fairing, that should be interesting.
The Corbin seats don't really soften much. The shape is well designed and gives good support.
Corbin said I should have fairing by Christmas!!! Maybe the first "real" order...
Reactions: wjb
I know this an old post. Wondering if the triumph panniers will work with the Corbin undertail. I'm not sold on the panniers but I really like that undertail.