A friend bought a new Road Glide ultra. He saw the wife's Thunderbird and became "distressed" The Thunderbird is 104. His Harley is a 103. The Thunderbird keeps up respectably with the R3
A friend has a worked one and he claims hes never been beat by any cruiser including the ROCKETS HES BLOWN THE THING UP 4 TIMES BUT TELLS EVRYONE HES NEVER HAD A PROBLEM Im waiting for him to challenge one of us Rocket owners as he always wants to race for $$$$
@Boog yep, she's been riding for years. Before her Streety she had a 883/mod 1200. She really likes the soft tail slim, but I'm trying to convince her on the Indian so we can keep the street triple too price difference is pretty big. Besides that I think the scout is just a sexy little bike that would be even sexier with a woman riding it