MOLINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back!!!!!!!!! You have lots to catch up on!!!! A little more drama since the last time you were here but not too much to scare ya away!!
Enjoy the new ride!!!
The past two picture posts are what mine looks like so I will not post mine just yet (still being assembled...needs windshield mounted and some shipping stuff removed), if/when I pick mine up I'll submit some pics then....have to try and remember how to post pics but from what I remember it wasn't too hard.
I was pleasantly surprised that the auxiliary/fog lights were also included...maybe that was a change from the 2013's???
Bad news guys, apparently my local Triumph dealer has a finance company (Freedom Road) that does not believe very much in financing motorcycles for them so I am going to have to bow out for now.
Maybe in a couple of months I'll try again, the red/black R3T is what I wanted for Triumph to finally put at least I know it's out there...but for now I'm stuck with a good running Harley....but as we all know that isn't quite the same as riding 'da big Triumph.
Breeze, thanks for the good intentions but I'll work this out on my own. I knew that when I left Afghanistan it may get a little rough...I hadn't counted on being unemployed for about eight and a half months...pretty much cleaned me out of my "back up" money. When I got a job at Navy Federal I landed a pretty decent job and when I sold my 2010 1700 Thunderbird I used that money and a little I had saved up and got the Harley. As everyone now experiment with Harley is pretty much's a good bike but the handling...much less the power just wasn't there...and it just doesn't have the appeal to me (now that I have "experienced" it) that the Triumph would provide. It'll try again later and hopefully things will then work I now have a goal...just gotta make it happen somehow.
Well, I am not entirely out of the race for the new Touring just may take a little longer to get into it I am just going to start putting money down on it as I can (should have the deposit done by the beginning of September) and now that I am getting some overtime...that will go towards it as well. I have my motorcycle trailer for sale (paid $907 I am asking $600 for it or $500 if it's someone I know...have two guys who are looking at it pretty hard...first one that comes up with the money gets it) and I have a guy who is interested in my two extra saddle bag lids with speakers already mounted in them (for a Harley tourer) and am working some more angles.
Hopefully be the first of October I'll have it (or sooner).
I just ask that you guys wish me luck...and thanks in advance.