New 08 Touring

Well I think that most of their research has panned out. As far as the looks go, I like both, and could have afforded a Harley. But I love Triumph (this is the second I have owned), and even if anyone thinks that this looks like a clone, or a Harley knock off... Do you really have to look hard to see the difference? Most looks and comments that I get are "Holy Crap!! That is a huge engine.... What kind of bike is it again?". I love the bike, and I love the features. Well except for the horn.... and the stock pipes.... and the tune down. But all of that can be fixed over time, and I am in it for the long haul my friends.
Dennis, please don't let that horn stop your purchase.If you buy it Ill give you my Stebel,138 DBs. Was 13 bucks at Checker..But yes I bet that horn is a big joke on the assembly line while some bean counter showes how much they saved in 5 years. Biggest bike in production with the smallest horn. How can you think that its not a joke on us owners?? I would like to know If the same horn is on all bikes for all countries..Can not believe it past muster in all countries..YUK
Wow . . bought it on the wifeys birthday huh? I did that too . . . told her the back half was hers . . .ended up buying her a Speedmaster later to make up. Congrats on the touring R3. I've been thinking seriously about trading mine in on one . . .
Thanks Jack, I may take you up on that if I do end up taking the plunge, with a loud horn I could probably overlook that single headlight and decrease of HP.
VERY VERY awesome bike. I saw a duplicate at the local dealer. I'd have to say Black does look faster with those straightened out pipes. CONGRATULATIONS!
The horn definately has to go. Triumph has no right putting such a whimpy horn on a bike like the Rocket.
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